Bab 1, 1.4 kalau kita tengok kat sini 1.4 persoalan
kajian dan objektif kajian 1.5. Jadi kita ambil persoalan kajian. Jadi
persoalan kajian, dengan objektif kajian, perlulah sejajar. Ia berkaitan. Jadi
contoh kita ambik yang ini, persoalan kajian. Mengenal pasti wacana tekstual
skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu. Okay ini objektif dia. Apakah wacana
tekstual skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu, jadi ini kalau misalnya objektif
dia dan persoalan dia ada satu. Jadi, persoalan dia terus la makna kita boleh
faham. Kalau contoh menganalisis kesan skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah, kita
boleh jadi dua persoalan daripada kata adjektif iaitu, sejauh manakah kesan
skrip animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah dan
bagaimanakah pelajar memberi pendapat melalui skrip animasi cerita rakyat
Melayu. Jadi kedua dua soalan ini sebenarnya akan menjawab objektif 2. Jadi
kena ingat ye kita kena persoalkan semula kita nak tahu kesan dia , bagaimana
cara dia. Jadi itu akan menjawab objektif ini. Bila kita menganalisis data ini,
memang ini akan terjawab. Okay, sama juga contohnya menghasilkan repertoir
perbualan melalui animasi cerita rakyat Melayu dalam pelajar sekolah rendah.
Yang ini sebenarnya, ada temu bual. Temu bual dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah
rendah tentang skrip animasi tersebut. Dia bagi pendapat. Persoalannya sejauh
manakah repertoir dibina melalui... Bagaimana...Dan apakah cara perbualan
tentang animasi . Jadi, ini terjawab lah. Apakah cara perbualannya ? Adakah
cara perbualannya memang begini ? Atau pun memang dia sorang, tapi kalau nak
kata sorang, dia berbual dengan siapa ? Soalan ketiga, apakah kategori
repertoir . Ada tiga soalan di situ, sejauh manakah, apakah cara perbualan,
apakah kategori repertoir. Memang setelah itu, nanti kita menganalisis data
memang kita akan dapati akan terjawab soalan ketiga tiga ini. Jadi, bukan
semestinya satu objetif, satu. Boleh juga satu objektif, tiga persoalan. Tapi
analisis data memang akan terjawab ketiga tiga soalan ini. Macam yang nombor 2,
mengalisis kesan skrip animasi, akan ada 2 persoalan. Kalau kita analisis,
memang kita jawab kedua dua soalan ini. Macam itu. Kita dapati memang kita
jawab dua soalan ini. Bila yang objektif satu, mengenal pasti wacana tekstual,
kita akan ada satu contoh. Boleh hendak buat dua, tapi kena tengok cara
analisis data , menjawab atau tidak soalan ini. Bila kita buat analisis, kita
tengok menjawab atau tidak soalan. Kalau menjawab itu, memang betul. Jangan
kita letak satu objektif. Jadi kita boleh letak dua atau tiga. Kadang kadang
letak sampai empat, bila menganalisis data itu memang menjawab keempat empat .
Kalau contohnya menghasilkan buku panduan penulisan skrip animasi cerita
rakyat, kalau kita buat ada empat objektif, jadi sejauh manakah buku panduan skrip animasi cerita rakyat
dihasilkan. Apakah cara untuk menghasilkan buku panduan penulisan skrip
menghasilkan cerita rakayat. Jadi, yang ini akan jadi kebaharuan. Benda baru
yang kita nak sebarkan, jadi yang ini kita akan ada dua persoalan sejauh
manakah buku panduan, apakah cara dia. Jadi, apabila membuat ini, kita pastikan
menjawab dua dua persoalan ini. Jadi bila kita nak tulis objektif, kita
pastikan kita persoalkan. Apa benda yang kita dapati, apabila kita menganalisis
data. Oleh sebab itu kita ada beberapa soalan untuk satu objektif. Ini ada dua
soalan untuk objektif . Ini ada dua soalan, tiga soalan. Tapi soalan dia memang
berkisarkan tentang objektif ini tadi. Tetapi memang apabila kita sebagai
penyelidik yang bagus tu, memang dia mempersoalkan supaya nanti bila kita tahu
semua persoalan itu. Jadi pastikan kita jawab semua soalan ini. Jadi pelajar
semua diharap bila kita lihat apakah objektif kita, kita pastikan persoalan
kita menjawab objektif kita dan harus memastikan bahawa apa yang kita analisis
itu akan terjawab. Pemeriksa bila membaca , okay soalan dia memang begini,
didapati ada dalam bab 4, okay soalan ini didapati betul. Bermakna memang
berjaya kerana boleh menjawab soalan daripada objektif yang telah dicadangkan.
Jadi, pastikan 1.4 persoalan kajian dan 1.5 objektif . Perkataan ini yang
diambil seperti mengenal pasti, menganalisis, menghasilkan, terdapat dalam ini,
harus pastikan bahawa objektif yang dipilih itu haruslah dari ...
Cadangan senarai kata kerja operasional taksonomi
bloom, jadi kita kena pastikan objektif satu, rendah. Apabila objektif dua,
kita analisis, semua yang tinggi, mana yang bersesuaian. Kita baca dahulu. Yang
mana bersesuaian untuk objektif kedua. Kalau untuk aplikasi apa , untuk analisis
apa , dan ini kita pilih untuk analisis kedua. Maknanya, kita analisis secara
mendalam. Maknanya kita nak letakkan menghasilkan itu diletakkan pada C6. Jadi
ini pastikan, bahawa jangan objektif satu diambil dari C5, tiba tiba objektif
dua rendah pula. Itu salah. Dia mesti daripada kecil dan mudah sehingga sukar.
Pastikan pemilihan perkataan ini bersesuaian objektif dan ikut tahap rendah ke
tinggi. Objektif satu rendah, objektif dua tinggi, dan objektif tiga sangat
tinggi. Jangan objektif satu rendah, anda letak tinggi C 6 kemudian turun C3.
Salah. Kena ikut turutan. Macam kita naik tangga, rendah ke tinggi. Jadi ambik
daripada ini. Dan lagi satu, bila kita tulis objektif ini, ada pelajar nombor
dua mengenal pasti juga kemudian nombor tiga mengenal pasti lagi. Jadi itu
tidak boleh sebab tahap yang rendah. Tahap yang rendah tidak bersesuaian.
1, 1.4 if we look at here 1.4 research questions and research objectives 1.5.
So we take the research question. So the research question, with the objective
of the study, needs to be aligned. It is related. So our example of this
ambiguity, the research question. Identifying the textual discourse animation
script Malay folklore. Okay this is her objective. Is animation script textual
discourse Malay folklore, so if for example the objective question him and he
got one. So, the question he continues is the meaning we can understand. If the
sample to analyze the effect of the script animation folklore Malay among
primary school students, we can be two issues of adjectives that is, the extent
of the effect of the script animation folklore Malay among primary school
students and how students express an opinion through the script animation
folklore Malay. So these two questions will actually answer objective 2. So we
have to remember that we have to question again we want to know the effect of
him, how he works. So that will answer this objective. If we analyze this data,
indeed this will be answered. Okay, same repertoire example produces animated
conversation through the Malay folklore in primary school. This one is
actually, there is an interview. Interviews among primary school students about
the animated script. He shared his opinion. The question is to what extent the
repertoire is built through ... How ... And what is the way of conversation
about animation. So, this is the answer. What is the way of conversation? Is
this the way he talks? Or he is alone, but if you want to say alone, who is he
talking to? The third question, what is the category of repertoire. There are
three questions there, to what extent, what is the way of conversation, what is
the category of repertoire. Indeed, after that, later we analyze the data we
will find that these three questions will be answered. So, not necessarily one
objective, one. Can also be one objective, three questions.
data analysis will indeed answer these three questions. As with number 2,
analyzing the effects of animated scripts, there will be 2 questions. If we
analyze, we do answer these two questions. Like that. We find that we do answer
these two questions. When objective one, identifying textual discourse, we will
have an example. You can do two, but you have to look at how to analyze the
data, answer or not this question. When we do an analysis, we look at answering
or not questions. If you answered that, it is true. Let's not set an objective.
So we can put two or three. Sometimes it is up to four, when analyzing the data
it does answer all four. For example, if we produce a guidebook for writing an
animated script for folklore, if we make four objectives, then to what extent
is the guidebook for the animation script for folklore produced. What is the
way to produce a script writing guidebook to produce folk tales. So, this one
will be a novelty. The new thing we want to spread, so this one we will have
two questions as to how far the guidebook is, what is his method. So, when
making this, we are sure to answer these two questions. So when we want to
write an objective, we make sure we ask questions. What do we find, when we
analyze the data. Therefore we have
several questions for one objective. Here are two questions for the objective.
Here are two questions, three questions. But his question really revolves
around this objective just now. But indeed when we as a good researcher, he did
question so that later when we know all the questions. So make sure we answer
all these questions. So students are all expected when we see what our
objectives are, we make sure our questions answer our objectives and should
ensure that what we analyze will be answered. Examiner when reading, okay
question he is like this, found in chapter 4, okay this question is found to be
correct. Meaning it is successful because it can answer questions from the
objectives that have been proposed. So, make sure 1.4 research questions and
1.5 objectives. These words taken as identifying, analyzing, producing, are
present in this, should ensure that the chosen objective should be from ...
list of operational taxonomic verbs bloom, so we have to make sure objective
one, low. When objective two, we analyze, all high, whichever is appropriate.
We read first. Which is appropriate for
the second objective. If for what application, for what analysis, and this we
choose for the second analysis. That is, we analyze in depth. This means that
we want to put the produce is placed on C6. So this make sure, that do not
objective one is taken from C5, suddenly objective two is low anyway. That's
wrong. He must be from small and easy to difficult. Make sure the selection of
these words fits the objective and follows the low to high level. Objective one
is low, objective two is high, and objective three is very high. Do not
objective one low, you place high C 6 then go down C3. Wrong. Must follow. Like
we go up the stairs, low to high. So ambiguous from this. And one more thing,
when we write this objective, there is student number two identifying also then
number three identifying again. So that should not be the reason for the low
level. Low levels are not suitable.
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