
Selasa, 15 Disember 2020





Buku “ Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi ” ini merupakan buku yang mengandungi teori serta diaplikasikan dalam bentuk penyelidikan. Penyelidikan meliputi kajian lirik lagu, cerita, ujaran dan interaksi dalam perbualan. Buku ini mengandungi dua bahagian iaitu kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi. Kedua-dua bahagian berkait rapat antara satu sama lain kerana melibatkan komunikasi ujaran, interaksi, teks dan tulisan. Bab 1 mengandungi pengenalan tentang kajian wacana iaitu definisi dan konsep wacana. Bab 2 pula menjelaskan tentang teori dan pendekatan wacana. Terdapat beberapa teori dan pendekatan wacana yang dibincangkan iaitu analisis wacana dan wacana kritis. Bab 3 pula menganalisis tiga kajian wacana yang berkaitan dengan wacana tekstual lirik lagu, wacana tekstual cerita sosial dan wacana ujaran dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Setiap kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori dan pendekatan analisis wacana yang diperkenalkan dalam buku ini. Bab 4 mengandungi pengenalan tentang strategi komunikasi. Pengenalan meliputi kajian-kajian tentang strategi komunikasi yang berkaitan dengan ujaran dan interaksi yang menggunakan strategi komunikasi. Bab 5 pula membincangkan beberapa taksonomi dan pendekatan strategi komunikasi. Senarai taksonomi dan pendekatan serta huraian bagi setiap satu dipaparkan. Bab 6 mengandungi kajian strategi komunikasi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Interaksi dan ujaran kanak-kanak dianalisis dengan menggunakan taksonomi strategi komunikasi yang terkini. Bab 7 iaitu bab akhir mengandungi cadangan kajian mengenai kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi. Diharapkan buku ini dapat membantu penyelidik dalam membuat penelitian terhadap bentuk kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi.







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Buku “ Kajian Wacana dan Strategi Komunikasi: Teori dan Aplikasi ” ini merupakan buku yang mengandungi teori serta diaplikasikan dalam bentuk penyelidikan

This book "Discourse Studies and Communication Strategies: Theory and Application" is a book that contains theories and is applied in the form of research.


This book "Discourse Studies and Communication Strategies: Theory and Application" is a book that contains involve theories and is applied in the form of research.

This book "Discourse Studies and Communication Strategies: Theory and Application" is a book that involve theories and is applied in the form of research.



Penyelidikan meliputi kajian lirik lagu, cerita, ujaran dan interaksi dalam perbualan. Buku ini mengandungi dua bahagian iaitu kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi.



Research covers the study of song lyrics, stories, utterances and interactions in conversation.
This book differs in two parts of discourse study studies and communication strategies.

Research covers the study of song lyrics, stories, utterances  pronouncement and interactions in conversation.
This book differs in two parts of discourse study studies and communication strategies.

Research covers the study of song lyrics, stories, pronouncement and interactions in conversation.
This book differs in two parts of discourse study studies and communication strategies.


Kedua-dua bahagian berkait rapat antara satu sama lain kerana melibatkan komunikasi ujaran, interaksi, teks dan tulisan. Bab 1 mengandungi pengenalan tentang kajian wacana iaitu definisi dan konsep wacana.





The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve verbal communication, interaction, text and writing. Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the study of discourse that is the definition and concept of discourse.

The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve verbal rhetorical communication, interaction,  text and writing. Chapter 1 contains an introduction addition to the study of discourse that is the definition and concept of discourse.

The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve rhetorical communication, interaction, text and writing. Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the study of discourse that is the definition and concept of discourse.


Bab 2 pula menjelaskan tentang teori dan pendekatan wacana. Terdapat beberapa teori dan pendekatan wacana yang dibincangkan iaitu analisis wacana dan wacana kritis.

Chapter 2 also explains about the theory and approach of discourse. There are several theories and approaches of discourse discussed namely discourse analysis and critical discourse.

Chapter 2 also explains clarify about the theory and approach match of discourse. There are several a few theories and approaches of discourse discussed archaic namely discourse analysis and critical discourse.


Chapter 2 also clarify about the theory and match of discourse. There are a few theories and approaches of discourse archaic namely discourse analysis and critical discourse.


Bab 3 pula menganalisis tiga kajian wacana yang berkaitan dengan wacana tekstual lirik lagu, wacana tekstual cerita sosial dan wacana ujaran dalam kalangan kanak-kanak.

Chapter 3 analyzes three discourse studies related to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and discourse discourse among children.


Chapter 3 analyzes consider three discourse studies related linked to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and discourse essay discourse among children

Chapter 3 consider three discourse studies linked to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and essay discourse among children


Setiap kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori dan pendekatan analisis wacana yang diperkenalkan dalam buku ini. Bab 4 mengandungi pengenalan tentang strategi komunikasi.


Each study was analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach introduced in this book. Chapter 4 contains an introduction to communication strategies.

Each study was analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach introduced in this book. Chapter 4 contains have an introduction to communication strategies.


Each study was analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach introduced in this book. Chapter 4 have an introduction to communication strategies


Pengenalan meliputi kajian-kajian tentang strategi komunikasi yang berkaitan dengan ujaran dan interaksi yang menggunakan strategi komunikasi. Bab 5 pula membincangkan beberapa taksonomi dan pendekatan strategi komunikasi


Chapter 4 contains an introduction to communication strategies.

Chapter 5 discusses some taxonomies and communication strategy approaches.

Chapter 4 contains an introduction to communication strategies.

Chapter 5 discusses some taxonomies classification and communication strategy approaches.

Chapter 4 contains an introduction to communication strategies.

Chapter 5 discusses some classification and communication strategy approaches.


Senarai taksonomi dan pendekatan serta huraian bagi setiap satu dipaparkan. Bab 6 mengandungi kajian strategi komunikasi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Interaksi dan ujaran kanak-kanak dianalisis dengan menggunakan taksonomi strategi komunikasi yang terkini.


A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as descriptions for each is displayed. Chapter 6 contains a study of communication strategies among children. Children's interactions and utterances are analyzed using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies.





A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as descriptions characterization for each is displayed. Chapter 6 contains a study of communication strategies among children. Children's interactions c ommunication and utterances pronouncement are analyzed using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies.

A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as characterization for each is displayed. Chapter 6 contains a study of communication strategies among children. Children's communication and pronouncement are analyzed using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies.



Bab 7 iaitu bab akhir mengandungi cadangan kajian mengenai kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi.


Chapter 7 which is the final chapter contains research proposals on the study of discourse and communication strategies.


Chapter 7 which is the final chapter contains research analysis proposals outline on the study of discourse and communication strategies.

Chapter 7 which is the final chapter contains analysis outline on the study of discourse and communication strategies.



Diharapkan buku ini dapat membantu penyelidik dalam membuat penelitian terhadap bentuk kajian wacana dan strategi komunikasi.


It is hoped that this book can help researchers in conducting research on the form of discourse studies and communication strategies.


It is hoped that this book can help researchers analyst in conducting organize research on the form of discourse studies and communication strategies. approach

It is hoped that this book can help analyst in organize research on the form of discourse studies and communication approach.












Teks bersih

This book "Discourse Studies and Communication Strategies: Theory and Application" is a book that involve theories and is applied in the form of research. Research covers the study of song lyrics, stories, pronouncement and interactions in conversation. This book differs in two parts of discourse study studies and communication strategies. The two parts are closely related to each other as they involve rhetorical communication, interaction, text and writing. Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the study of discourse that is the definition and concept of discourse. Chapter 2 also clarify about the theory and match of discourse. There are a few theories and approaches of discourse archaic namely discourse analysis and critical discourse. Chapter 3 consider three discourse studies linked to the textual discourse of song lyrics, textual discourse of social stories and essay discourse among children. Each study was analyzed using the theory and discourse analysis approach introduced in this book. Chapter 4 have an introduction to communication strategies. Chapter 4 contains an introduction to communication strategies. Chapter 5 discusses some classification and communication strategy approaches. A list of taxonomies and approaches as well as characterization for each is displayed. Chapter 6 contains a study of communication strategies among children. Children's communication and pronouncement are analyzed using the latest taxonomy of communication strategies. Chapter 7 which is the final chapter contains analysis outline on the study of discourse and communication strategies. It is hoped that this book can help analyst in organize research on the form of discourse studies and communication approach.








Wacana merupakan bahasa daripada individu atau kumpulan dalam bentuk ujaran, interaksi, teks dan tulisan. Wacana ialah keseluruhan pelahiran bahasa oleh penutur atau penulis, iaitu sistem bahasa dan unsur-unsur luar daripada sistem bahasa yang menyumbang ke arah menjadikan pertuturan atau tulisan berkenaan sebagai sesuatu yang bermakna dalam komunikasi  (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Wacana didefinisikan sebagai unit bahasa yang mempunyai kesantunan fikiran dan melebihi batas ayat. Dalam hierarki bahasa, wacana terletak pada tingkat yang tertinggi, iaitu hadir selepas tingkat ayat.

            Wacana mengandungi sistem komunikasi antara dua atau lebih orang.Selain itu, wacana juga boleh diistilahkan melalui tulisan dan bacaan daripada seseorang. Namun, wacana seharusnya mengandungi ayat yang bermakna serta mengandungi situasi yang diakitkan dengan ayat tersebut. Justeru, wacana dapat difahami dengan baik oleh sesorang. Wacana merupakan keseluruhan tutur suatu kesatuan, ujaran, ucapan, pertuturan dan percakapan. Selain itu, wacana juga dilihat dari aspek penulisan yang ditulis oleh penulis melalui buku, majalah, akhbar, makalah dan segala bentuk tulisan. Di dalam bentuk perbincangan atau pertukaran idea secara lisan, wacana dapat dikenal pasti dengan lebih baik. Seseorang individu itu mengadakan perbincangan berbentuk ilmu, pengalaman, penceritaan dan sebagainya. Kesatuan fikiran sama ada dalam bentuk lisan seperti pidato, khutbah, debat, syarahan, perbualan dan sebagainya atau tulisan seperti surat, artikel, novel, cerpen, puisi dan sebagainya dapat dilihat dan difahami dengan lebih baik melalui pengetahuan tentang teori dan pembacaan karya yang berbentuk sastera.

            Hawthorn (1992) mengemukakan definisi wacana sebagai komunikasi kebahasaan yang dilihat sebagai pertukaran antara pembicara dan pendengar dengan mengambil kira tajuk perbincangan dan persekitaran. Definisi wacana dapat dilihat dari pelbagai aspek. Melalui aspek sosiologi, wacana merujuk pada hubungan konteks sosial dalam pemakaian bahasa sedangkan dari segi linguistic pula, wacana adalah unit bahasa yang lebih besar daripada kalimat. Fowler (1991) mengatakan bahawa wacana merupakan komunikasi lisan dan tulisan yang dilihat daripada titik pandangan kepercayaan, nilai dan kategori yang terdapat di dalamnya. Brown & Yule (1983) menegaskan bahawa wacana boleh dilihat melalui lisan dan tulisan yang dianalisis bagi tujuan pemahaman yang lebih baik. Stubbs (1983) juga bersetuju dengan Brown & Yule (1983) dan menyatakan bahawa aspek linguistik harus diterapkan bagi tujuan analisis wacana.



Definisi Wacana

Edmonson (1981)

Wacana adalah suatu peristiwa berstruktur yang dimanifestasikan dalam perilaku linguistik bahasa atau yang lainnya.

Kamus Dewan (Edisi Keempat)

Wacana merupakan keseluruhan tutur yang merupakan kesatuan, ucapan, pertuturan, percakapan dan perbincangan atau pertukaran idea secara lisan. Ia juga merupakan kesatuan fikiran yang utuh sama ada dalam bentuk lisan ataupun tulisan.

Asmah Haji Omar (1986)

Wacana ialah keseluruhan pelahiran bahasa oleh penutur atau penulis, iaitu system bahasa dan unsur luar daripada system bahasa yang menyumbang ke arah menjadikan pertuturan atau tulisan berkenaan sebagai sesuatu yang bermakna dalam komunikasi.

Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985)

Wacana adalah unit bahasa yang melebihi batas ayat iaitu boleh terdiri daripada ayat, sejumlah ayat, ceraian, bab, buku, cerita, dialog dan sebagainya yang dalamnya memperlihatkan hubungan dan perkembangan fikiran yang berturutan. Dengan perkataan lain, wacana adalah satu satuan bahasa yang lengkap.

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014)

Wacana adalah bahasa yang dilahirkan oleh penutur atau penulis. Bahasa yang ditutur serta ditulis mengandungi makna serta difahami oleh pendengar dan pembaca.


Stubbs (1983)

Wacana dapat dilihat melalui lisan dan tulisan , mempunyai makna serta difahami oleh pendengar dan pembaca.

Brown & Yule (1983)

Wacana boleh dilihat melalui lisan dan tulisan yang dianalisis bagi tujuan pemahaman yang baik.


Haliday&Hasaan (1985)

Wacana terdiri daripada apa jua kalimat sama ada lisan atau tulisan ( tidak kira panjang atau pendek) yang mempunyai makna keseluruhan.


Normaliza ABd Rahim(2018b)

Wacana meliputi ujaran, interaksi, tulisan dan teks yang dianalisis bagi tujuan mencari makna tersirat dan tersurat. Wacana juga meliputi bahasa simbol, isyarat dan apa jua yang memberi makna kepada semua pihak yang terlibat.






Definisi wacana dapat difahami dengan jelas dengan merujuk kepada wacana berbentuk teks, tulisan, ujaran dan interaksi. Adalah wajar setiap wacana difokus dan dianalisis dengan teliti supaya analisis dapat difahami dengan jelas. Pemahaman setiap wacana tersebut dilihat sebagai satu perkara yang mudah apabila seseorang itu faham akan tujuan setiap wacana yang disampaikan. Malah, akan lebih jelas lagi apabila dihuraikan dengan lebih terperinci dan teliti.








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Wacana merupakan bahasa daripada individu atau kumpulan dalam bentuk ujaran, interaksi, teks dan tulisan. Wacana ialah keseluruhan pelahiran bahasa oleh penutur atau penulis, iaitu sistem bahasa dan unsur-unsur luar daripada sistem bahasa yang menyumbang ke arah menjadikan pertuturan atau tulisan berkenaan sebagai sesuatu yang bermakna dalam komunikasi

 (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Wacana didefinisikan sebagai unit bahasa yang mempunyai kesantunan fikiran dan melebihi batas ayat. Dalam hierarki bahasa, wacana terletak pada tingkat yang tertinggi, iaitu hadir selepas tingkat ayat.




Discourse is the language of individuals or groups in the form of utterances, interactions, texts and writings. Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, that is, the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Discourse is defined as a unit of language that has politeness of mind and exceeds sentence limits. In the language hierarchy, discourse is located at the highest level, i.e. present after the sentence level.




Discourse is the language of individuals or groups in the form of utterances, interactions, texts and writings. Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, that is, the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Discourse is defined as a unit of language that has politeness of mind and exceeds sentence limits. exceeds sentence limits. In the language hierarchy, discourse is located at the highest level, i.e. present after the sentence level.

Discourse is the language of individuals or groups in the form of utterances, interactions, texts and writings. Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, that is, the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Discourse is defined as a unit of language that has politeness of mind and exceeds sentence limits. In the language hierarchy, discourse is located at the highest level, i.e. present after the sentence level.


Wacana mengandungi sistem komunikasi antara dua atau lebih orang.Selain itu, wacana juga boleh diistilahkan melalui tulisan dan bacaan daripada seseorang. Namun, wacana seharusnya mengandungi ayat yang bermakna serta mengandungi situasi yang diakitkan dengan ayat tersebut. Justeru, wacana dapat difahami dengan baik oleh sesorang. Wacana merupakan keseluruhan tutur suatu kesatuan, ujaran, ucapan, pertuturan dan percakapan.

Discourse contains a system of communication between two or more people. In addition, discourse can also be termed through writing and reading from a person. However, the discourse should contain meaningful sentences as well as contain situations associated with the sentence. Thus, discourse can be well understood by one. Discourse is the whole speech of a union, utterance, speech, speech and conversation.

Discourse contains a system of communication between two or more people. In addition, discourse can also be termed through writing and reading from a person. However, the discourse should need contain meaningful sentences as well as contain situations associated with the sentence. Thus, discourse can be well understood by one. Discourse is the whole speech of a union, utterance, speech, speech and conversation.

Discourse contains a system of communication between two or more people. In addition, discourse can also be termed through writing and reading from a person. However, the discourse need contain meaningful sentences as well as contain situations associated with the sentence. Thus, discourse can be well understood by one. Discourse is the whole speech of a union, utterance, speech, speech and conversation.



Selain itu, wacana juga dilihat dari aspek penulisan yang ditulis oleh penulis melalui buku, majalah, akhbar, makalah dan segala bentuk tulisan. Di dalam bentuk perbincangan atau pertukaran idea secara lisan, wacana dapat dikenal pasti dengan lebih baik. Seseorang individu itu mengadakan perbincangan berbentuk ilmu, pengalaman, penceritaan dan sebagainya. Kesatuan fikiran sama ada dalam bentuk lisan seperti pidato, khutbah, debat, syarahan, perbualan dan sebagainya atau tulisan seperti surat, artikel, novel, cerpen, puisi dan sebagainya dapat dilihat dan difahami dengan lebih baik melalui pengetahuan tentang teori dan pembacaan karya yang berbentuk sastera.

In addition, discourse is also seen from the aspect of writing written by the author through books, magazines, newspapers, papers and all forms of writing. In the form of verbal discussion or exchange of ideas, discourse can be better identified. An individual holds discussions in the form of knowledge, experience, storytelling and so on. Unity of mind whether in oral form such as speeches, sermons, debates, lectures, conversations and so on or writings such as letters, articles, novels, short stories, poems and so on can be seen and understood better through knowledge of theory and reading of literary works.

In addition, discourse is also seen from the aspect of writing written by the author through books, magazines, newspapers, papers and all forms of writing. In the form of verbal discussion or exchange of ideas, discourse can be better identified. An individual holds discussions in the form of knowledge, experience, storytelling and so on. Unity of mind whether in oral form such as speeches, sermons, debates, lectures, conversations and so on or writings such as letters, articles, novels, short stories, poems and so on can be seen and understood better through knowledge of theory and reading of literary works.

In addition, discourse is also seen from the aspect of writing written by the author through books, magazines, newspapers, papers and all forms of writing. In the form of verbal discussion or exchange of ideas, discourse can be better identified. An individual holds discussions in the form of knowledge, experience, storytelling and so on. Unity of mind whether in oral form such as speeches, sermons, debates, lectures, conversations and so on or writings such as letters, articles, novels, short stories, poems and so on can be seen and understood better through knowledge of theory and reading of literary works.



Hawthorn (1992) mengemukakan definisi wacana sebagai komunikasi kebahasaan yang dilihat sebagai pertukaran antara pembicara dan pendengar dengan mengambil kira tajuk perbincangan dan persekitaran. Definisi wacana dapat dilihat dari pelbagai aspek. Melalui aspek sosiologi, wacana merujuk pada hubungan konteks sosial dalam pemakaian bahasa sedangkan dari segi linguistic pula, wacana adalah unit bahasa yang lebih besar daripada kalimat.

Hawthorn (1992) put forward the definition of discourse as linguistic communication seen as an exchange between speaker and listener taking into account the topic of discussion and the environment. The definition of discourse can be seen from various aspects. Through sociological aspects, discourse refers to the relationship of social context in the use of language while in terms of linguistic, discourse is a unit of language that is larger than a sentence.

Hawthorn (1992) put forward the definition of discourse as linguistic communication seen shows  as an exchange between speaker and listener taking into account the topic of discussion and the environment. The definition of discourse can be seen from various aspects. Through sociological aspects, discourse refers to the relationship of social context in the use of language while in terms of linguistic, discourse is a unit of language that is larger than a sentence.

Hawthorn (1992) put forward the definition of discourse as linguistic communication shows  as an exchange between speaker and listener taking into account the topic of discussion and the environment. The definition of discourse can be seen from various aspects. Through sociological aspects, discourse refers to the relationship of social context in the use of language while in terms of linguistic, discourse is a unit of language that is larger than a sentence.



Fowler (1991) mengatakan bahawa wacana merupakan komunikasi lisan dan tulisan yang dilihat daripada titik pandangan kepercayaan, nilai dan kategori yang terdapat di dalamnya. Brown & Yule (1983) menegaskan bahawa wacana boleh dilihat melalui lisan dan tulisan yang dianalisis bagi tujuan pemahaman yang lebih baik. Stubbs (1983) juga bersetuju dengan Brown & Yule (1983) dan menyatakan bahawa aspek linguistik harus diterapkan bagi tujuan analisis wacana.


Fowler (1991) says that discourse is oral and written communication seen from the point of view of beliefs, values and categories found in it. Brown & Yule (1983) assert that discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the purpose of better understanding.

Stubbs (1983) also agrees with Brown & Yule (1983) and states that linguistic aspects should be applied for the purpose of discourse analysis.

Fowler (1991) says that discourse is oral and written communication seen from the point of view of beliefs, values and categories found construct in it.

Brown & Yule (1983) assert argue that discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the purpose aim of better understanding.

Stubbs (1983) also agrees with Brown & Yule (1983) and states that linguistic aspects should be applied enforced for the purpose of discourse analysis.

Fowler (1991) says that discourse is oral and written communication seen from the point of view of beliefs, values and categories  construct in it. Brown & Yule (1983) argue that discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the aim of better understanding.

Stubbs (1983) also agrees with Brown & Yule (1983) and states that linguistic aspects should be enforced for the purpose of discourse analysis.


Edmonson (1981) Wacana adalah suatu peristiwa berstruktur yang dimanifestasikan dalam perilaku linguistik bahasa atau yang lainnya.


Kamus Dewan (Edisi Keempat) Wacana merupakan keseluruhan tutur yang merupakan kesatuan, ucapan, pertuturan, percakapan dan perbincangan atau pertukaran idea secara lisan. Ia juga merupakan kesatuan fikiran yang utuh sama ada dalam bentuk lisan ataupun tulisan.

Edmonson (1981) Discourse is a structured event manifested in the linguistic behavior of a language or other.

Dewan Dictionary (Fourth Edition) Discourse is the whole of speech which is unity, speech, speech, conversation and discussion or exchange of ideas orally. It is also a whole unit of thought whether in oral or written form. 

Edmonson (1981)

Discourse is a structured event manifested  prove in the linguistic behavior of a language or other.

Dewan Dictionary (Fourth Edition) Discourse is the whole of speech which is unity, speech, speech, conversation and discussion or exchange traded of ideas orally. It is also a whole unit of thought whether in oral or written form. 

Edmonson (1981) Discourse is a structured event prove in the linguistic behavior of a language or other.

Dewan Dictionary (Fourth Edition) Discourse is the whole of speech which is unity, speech, speech, conversation and discussion or traded of ideas orally. It is also a whole unit of thought whether in oral or written form. 


Asmah Haji Omar (1986) Wacana ialah keseluruhan pelahiran bahasa oleh penutur atau penulis, iaitu system bahasa dan unsur luar daripada system bahasa yang menyumbang ke arah menjadikan pertuturan atau tulisan berkenaan sebagai sesuatu yang bermakna dalam komunikasi.

Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985) Wacana adalah unit bahasa yang melebihi batas ayat iaitu boleh terdiri daripada ayat, sejumlah ayat, ceraian, bab, buku, cerita, dialog dan sebagainya yang dalamnya memperlihatkan hubungan dan perkembangan fikiran yang berturutan. Dengan perkataan lain, wacana adalah satu satuan bahasa yang lengkap.




Asmah Haji Omar (1986) Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, which is the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication.

Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985)

Discourse is a unit of language that exceeds the sentence limit that can consist of sentences, a number of sentences, divorce, chapters, books, stories, dialogues and so on which in it shows the relationship and development of consecutive thoughts. In other words, discourse is a complete unit of language.

Asmah Haji Omar (1986) Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, which is the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication.

Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985)

Discourse is a unit of language that exceeds outpace the sentence limit that can consist of sentences, a number of sentences, divorce, chapters, books, stories, dialogues and so on which in it shows the relationship and development of consecutive ensuing thoughts. In other words, discourse is a complete unit of language.

Asmah Haji Omar (1986) Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, which is the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication.

Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985)

Discourse is a unit of language that otpacethe sentence limit that can consist of sentences, a number of sentences, divorce, chapters, books, stories, dialogues and so on which in it shows the relationship and development of ensuing thoughts. In other words, discourse is a complete unit of language.


Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014) Wacana adalah bahasa yang dilahirkan oleh penutur atau penulis. Bahasa yang ditutur serta ditulis mengandungi makna serta difahami oleh pendengar dan pembaca.

Stubbs (1983)

Wacana dapat dilihat melalui lisan dan tulisan , mempunyai makna serta difahami oleh pendengar dan pembaca.

Brown & Yule (1983)

Wacana boleh dilihat melalui lisan dan tulisan yang dianalisis bagi tujuan pemahaman yang baik.


Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014) Discourse is the language born of the speaker or writer. The language spoken and written contains meaning and is understood by the listener and the reader.

Stubbs (1983)

Discourse can be seen through oral and written, has meaning and is understood by listeners and readers.

Brown & Yule (1983)

Discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the purpose of good understanding.

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014)

Discourse is the language born of the speaker or writer. The language spoken and written contains meaning and is understood by the listener and the reader.

Stubbs (1983)

Discourse can be seen through oral and written, has meaning and is understood by listeners and readers.

Brown & Yule (1983)

Discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the purpose of good understanding. kindly

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014) Discourse is the language born of the speaker or writer. The language spoken and written contains meaning and is understood by the listener and the reader.

Stubbs (1983)

Discourse can be seen through oral and written, has meaning and is understood by listeners and readers.

Brown & Yule (1983)

Discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the purpose of good kindly.


Halliday & Hassan (1985)

Wacana terdiri daripada apa jua kalimat sama ada lisan atau tulisan ( tidak kira panjang atau pendek) yang mempunyai makna keseluruhan.

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b) Wacana meliputi ujaran, interaksi, tulisan dan teks yang dianalisis bagi tujuan mencari makna tersirat dan tersurat. Wacana juga meliputi bahasa symbol, isyarat dan apa jua yang memberi makna kepada semua pihak yang terlibat.


Halliday & Hassan (1985)

Discourse consists of any sentence whether oral or written (whether long or short) that has an overall meaning. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b) Discourse includes utterances, interactions, writings and texts analyzed for the purpose of finding implicit and explicit meaning.

Discourse also covers the language of symbols, gestures and anything that gives meaning to all parties involved.

Halliday & Hassan (1985)

Discourse consists of any sentence whether oral or written (whether long or short) that has an overall meaning. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b) Discourse includes utterances, interactions, writings and texts analyzed for the purpose of finding implicit and explicit meaning.

Discourse also covers the language of symbols, gestures and anything that gives meaning to all parties involved.

Halliday & Hassan (1985)

Discourse consists of any sentence whether oral or written (whether long or short) that has an overall meaning. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b) Discourse includes utterances, interactions, writings and texts analyzed for the purpose of finding implicit and explicit meaning.

Discourse also covers the language of symbols, gestures and anything that gives meaning to all parties involved.



Definisi wacana dapat difahami dengan jelas dengan merujuk kepada wacana berbentuk teks, tulisan, ujaran dan interaksi. Adalah wajar setiap wacana difokus dan dianalisis dengan teliti supaya analisis dapat difahami dengan jelas. Pemahaman setiap wacana tersebut dilihat sebagai satu perkara yang mudah apabila seseorang itu faham akan tujuan setiap wacana yang disampaikan. Malah, akan lebih jelas lagi apabila dihuraikan dengan lebih terperinci dan teliti.



The definition of discourse can be clearly understood by referring to discourse in the form of text, writing, utterances and interactions. It is desirable that each discourse be focused and analyzed carefully so that the analysis can be clearly understood. Understanding each of these discourses is seen as an easy thing when one understands the purpose of each discourse delivered.

In fact, it will be even clearer when described in more detail and thoroughness.

Summary Cursory

The definition of discourse can be clearly understood by referring to discourse in the form of text, writing, utterances and interactions. It is desirable  beautiful that each discourse be focused and analyzed carefully so that the analysis can be clearly understood. Understanding each of these discourses is seen as an easy thing when one understands the purpose of each discourse delivered.



The definition of discourse can be clearly understood by referring to discourse in the form of text, writing, utterances and interactions. It is Beautiful that each discourse be focused and analyzed carefully so that the analysis can be clearly understood. Understanding each of these discourses is seen as an easy thing when one understands the purpose of each discourse delivered.














Discourse is the language of individuals or groups in the form of utterances, interactions, texts and writings. Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, that is, the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication (Asmah Haji Omar, 1986). Discourse is defined as a unit of language that has politeness of mind and exceeds sentence limit In the language hierarchy, discourse is located at the highest level, i.e. present after the sentence level.

Discourse contains a system of communication between two or more people. In addition, discourse can also be termed through writing and reading from a person. However, the discourse need contain meaningful sentences as well as contain situations associated with the sentence. Thus, discourse can be well understood by one. Discourse is the whole speech of a union, utterance, speech, speech and conversation.

In addition, discourse is also seen from the aspect of writing written by the author through books, magazines, newspapers, papers and all forms of writing. In the form of verbal discussion or exchange of ideas, discourse can be better identified. An individual holds discussions in the form of knowledge, experience, storytelling and so on. Unity of mind whether in oral form such as speeches, sermons, debates, lectures, conversations and so on or writings such as letters, articles, novels, short stories, poems and so on can be seen and understood better through knowledge of theory and reading of literary works.

Hawthorn (1992) put forward the definition of discourse as linguistic communication shows  as an exchange between speaker and listener taking into account the topic of discussion and the environment. The definition of discourse can be seen from various aspects. Through sociological aspects, discourse refers to the relationship of social context in the use of language while in terms of linguistic, discourse is a unit of language that is larger than a sentence. Fowler (1991) says that discourse is oral and written communication seen from the point of view of beliefs, values and categories  construct in it.

Brown & Yule (1983) argue that discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the aim of better understanding. Stubbs (1983) also agrees with Brown & Yule (1983) and states that linguistic aspects should be enforced for the purpose of discourse analysis.


Edmonson (1981) Discourse is a structured event prove in the linguistic behavior of a language or other.

Dewan Dictionary (Fourth Edition) Discourse is the whole of speech which is unity, speech, speech, conversation and discussion or traded of ideas orally. It is also a whole unit of thought whether in oral or written form. 

Asmah Haji Omar (1986) Discourse is the whole birth of language by the speaker or writer, which is the language system and elements outside the language system that contribute towards making the speech or writing as something meaningful in communication.

Raminah Hj. Sabran & Rahim Syam (1985) Discourse is a unit of language that otpacethe sentence limit that can consist of sentences, a number of sentences, divorce, chapters, books, stories, dialogues and so on which in it shows the relationship and development of ensuing thoughts. In other words, discourse is a complete unit of language.

Normaliza Abd Rahim (2014) Discourse is the language born of the speaker or writer. The language spoken and written contains meaning and is understood by the listener and the reader.

Stubbs (1983) Discourse can be seen through oral and written, has meaning and is understood by listeners and readers.

Brown & Yule (1983) Discourse can be seen through oral and written analysis for the purpose of good kindly.

Halliday & Hassan (1985)

Discourse consists of any sentence whether oral or written (whether long or short) that has an overall meaning. Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b) Discourse includes utterances, interactions, writings and texts analyzed for the purpose of finding implicit and explicit meaning. Discourse also covers the language of symbols, gestures and anything that gives meaning to all parties involved.


The definition of discourse can be clearly understood by referring to discourse in the form of text, writing, utterances and interactions. It is Beautiful that each discourse be focused and analyzed carefully so that the analysis can be clearly understood. Understanding each of these discourses is seen as an easy thing when one understands the purpose of each discourse delivered. 

                                    Berikut merupakan bukti kehadiran saya pada minggu 4.

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